Citadel tilt shift

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spring Garden Road Panorama

This acrylic painting is slightly concave and 6ft.x2ft.. The bulk of the painting was done on the central library lawn in Halifax. The birds eye view allows the viewer to enter into the painting while they walk through the city. For reference i used google earth, sketches and photographs, but most of the time it was memory. My mind focuses on a memory of a place, street corner, building and becomes a swollen iconic image in the composition.
The painting is in my studio for 3 coats of glaze, more detail painting and sharpie detail, and will be on display this Monday for a week in the Park lane mall.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

An art dealer in Toronto asked my to recreate one of my early folk paintings for a client. This is 12 inches square and literally jumps out of the frame. It is interesting to forge your own work and teaches me how far I have come.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is a video sketch of the Same Boat Horn. I am building and installing this man powered fog horn on the Halifax Waterfront for Nocturne. Look for it on the south end of the new boardwalk at the bottom of Salter street. The horn is like the bell ontop of the Eco Church, ringing out a call for salvation in a time of percieved trouble from climate change.